Spectating from a client is jerky in multiplayer

I’m having a strange issue with spectating in multiplayer in 4.13. I used the built-in function ViewAPlayer on the player controller in order to get a first person spectator view, but that seems to have been broken (at least for me) so I’m now using a workaround which uses SetViewTargetWithBlend. That isn’t my issue, but I wanted to mention it in case it is related.

The issue I’m having is that when a client spectates another player in first person, the view they see is incredibly jerky, and it seems like the view rotation is getting truncated over the network or something. See the video below for a better explanation for what I mean.

The strange thing is, I reverted my project back to when it was in 4.10 and spectating works just fine. I bring it to 4.11, and the jerkiness is back. I looked for differences in APlayerController and the camera manager code, and I think the only relevant change is that the way vertical aim is replicated was changed.

I’m not manually setting the yaw for the player (or their view) in any way, but I can’t imagine this is supposed to be default behavior either. Any help is appreciated.

Here’s the video explaining exactly what is happening: Issue with spectator mode - YouTube

hmmmm have you tried this on a packaged version of your game? Maybe it’s just the editor being a little slow and not a coding issue

It happens in packaged builds as well.

Any fix on this? It happens to me on a third person character too.

I’m trying to fix this as well.

any fix on this?