SLATE: How do I create a FGeometry for a loose widget?

Hi There!

I use a custom widget to interface with text within my non slate UI. This mostly works.

One problem I have is defining the area that the custom widget uses to respond to mouse clicks, which then causes some focus problems.

I see I can get an FGeometery for the screen containing the widget, but how do I setup the one for my Widget from this using MakeChild as the comments say I should?

And I’ve been thinking along these lines - though this doesn’t work:

	FWidgetPath WidgetPath;
	TSharedPtr<SWindow> ContainingWindow = FSlateApplication::Get().FindWidgetWindow(m_EditText.ToSharedRef(), WidgetPath);
	if (ContainingWindow.IsValid())
		UIArea scaled = GetArea();
		FGeometry ChildWindowGeometry = ContainingWindow->GetWindowGeometryInScreen();
		FSlateLayoutTransform transform(scaled.GetTL());
		auto geom = ChildWindowGeometry.MakeChild(scaled.GetExtents(), transform);
		m_EditText->Tick(geom, 0.f, dt);

^^^ UIArea is a simple area construct in game window space - GetTL is the top left coord, GetExtents is its size.