Multiplayer window all controlled by server mouse


I run my project in Editor using “New Editor Window(PIE)”, and “Number of Players:3”
When my Server window is in focus, the camera of all 3 windows will be rotated by mouse movement.
But when focus is in Client1 or Client2, it has no effect because I don’t have any code to rotate camera.

I tried using newly created Player Pawn and PlayerController, it has the same result.
I wonder why this happend and I guess it is related to project setting?

I’m not sure if I’m the one to answer your question but we would need more info. Blueprint or C++? And a screenshot of the code related to your mouse input.

Simply put, you can think of there is no code for mouse input and the Project is automatic rotate the camera by mouse.


It is answered by myself.
It has this problem in 4.13.1
And now 4.13.2 is OK.


It has this problem in 4.13.1
And now 4.13.2 is OK.