How to create Physics Asset with Triangle mesh collision, per-triangle attributes

Ok, it’s actually two questions in one… I want to author collision for a skeletal actor, convex hull for dynamics and triangle mesh for tracing. There’s no problem with the convex hull, but I don’t see any way to create triangle/polygon mesh collision anywhere in physics asset editor. I’m pretty sure it should be possible, and I know PhysX allows this, and it’s pretty basic functionality.

After I do that, I’d like to add a per-triangle attribute (one byte per triangle would suffice). It can be something like a few physics materials that I can assign to different triangles. Then in Hit Results, I’d like to get that attribute (or the name of physics material, or the index, or something to distinguish different triangles). How can I do that? I know PhysX can do it, but I don’t know if UE4 toolset exposes this functionality. If not, how would you distinguish different parts of collision model that you collide with or trace a ray against, without splitting collision into multiple pieces? Or is having multiple physics bodies the only way?


I have the same problem and I don’t know how to do