If statements

I am new to blueprints and I have made some simple things using them but I am now making my character shrink or grow when you press a button, which I have done successfully, but now I am trying to make it so that you can’t infinitely shrink or grow. So what I am trying to do and can’t do is; everytime you shrink it checks if the amount of times you’ve shrunk is less than or equal to 3. If that’s true then it add 1 to the variable and shrinks you. If false then it doesn’t shrink you and does nothing.

if NoOfShrinks <= 3:
    NoOfShrinks += 1
    Do nothing

That is basically what I want but in blueprints
If you can help that would be much appreciated.

Good day!
This section covers flow control nodes for blueprints. It should help you.