Using a LERP as a parameter?


This should be so basic but i cant figure it out.
I’m using material instances so some objects will need different textures applied to them but I can quickly swap the textures (As you know how instancing works already)
But my problem is that like the roughness, I wont always need a texture but just a value. But how do I switch between the texture and say either just a value of 0-1 or just white/black?
I can do this with a lerp but how do transfer that into a parameter so I can just switch it on and off?

I hope this makes sence.

Try a staticswitchparameter node instead Parameter Expressions | Unreal Engine Documentation does exactly what you need it to do.

(advanced: make one instance with the switch set to true, and another set to false, and create instances from that so ue4 only needs to recalculate true/false state once)

You could EITHER hook up Scalar Parameter Value to the LERP’s alpha input:

OR,even better, use Static Switch Parameter:

Cheers dude :slight_smile:

Awesome, Thanks for the visuals :slight_smile: