My Game Being Rejected Because of Ipv6 Network

I’m having this issue and i don’t know how to resolve this. My game have been rejected twice now for this issue. I read this post

and apparently in the new update (4.13.1) should’ve fix this issue but i still getting rejected because of it.

Also after doing some research, apparently this issue is on apple end, other users submitting their app again and they get approve without doing anything but i’m still getting rejected.

Any idea how to resolve this ?

We discovered one or more bugs in your app when reviewed on iPad and iPhone running iOS 10.0.3 on Wi-Fi connected to an IPv6 network.

Specifically, it would be appropriate to revise your app’s binary to allow users to access your app.

Please see the attached screenshot for details.

Next Steps

Please run your app on a device while connected to an IPv6 network (all apps must support IPv6) to identify the issue(s), then revise and resubmit your app for review.

This issue have been resolved, the reason i was getting rejected was because i have a automatic restore feature when the game open, the sign in pop up appear, for them if they open the game or app and the sign in pop up, they will see it as a issue with the IPv6 network and they will reject you because of this.

If your game or restore feature is setup like that, specify it to them.

Friend, my game was also rejected by Apple. Can you help me solve the problem? I am new to development and would like to ask for your help in my project. I am sending below the link for you to see the problem that I am facing. Thank you very much

Hey i see that you resolved this issue. What are the full steps you took to fix the issue, is it a ue4 issues or apple