Transfer content between projects

Hello all, I have been struggling with moving objects between projects. For some reason our github keeps failing to sync, but I need to work on the project. So, I moved the whole project into a folder and put it on a flash drive.

When i try to open the project I get the error: “Failed to load map! …/fileLocation.umap appears to be an asset file”

I read some other posts and tried a few different ways of opening:

  1. double click on .uproject
  2. open from “browse” using the engine
  3. copy all subfolders inside of “content” to a new project

All of these yielded the same error.

What I would like to find out is the easiest way to transfer a project to a new computer without something breaking every time. (yes, I am aware of migrating assets in the editor, but that doesn’t help me move it to a new pc, or so i thought)