How to Use Weapons?

Hi i Buy this pack

How i can use it?

You need to add it into your project using Unreal Engine Launcher.

This guide:

or this:

I know how add to my projekt but i dont know how add the weapon with animation to charackter

There are two pieces to this question, then. Both of each are covered on the Unreal Engine YouTube channel.

  1. Learn how to attach weapon into the character’s hands:
  2. Then understand basics of animation:
  3. Apply knowledge above to achieve the goal of “adding the weapon with animation to character”

i use FPS

and this Tutorial is to add one Weapon but how use it widh more weapons + pickup

There are several ways to do that. One of the approaches can be to store an Array of Weapon instances and “Set Active” whichever you select by pressing 1-9 buttons. “Set Active” in this case would mean to re-assigning a weapon’s Static\Skeletal Mesh to an “active weapon” (which is another Static\Skeletal Mesh component in your Character).

That kind of what I am doing in my game right now, where I have three different classes to handle that: Weapon class to store needed parameters and Skeletal Mesh for the weapon; Inventory class that has an Array of Weapons (e.g: TArray inventory ); and a Projectile class that simulates a Bullet or Rocket or whatever shootable.

Googling “ue4 weapon inventory” got me going with the same question a month ago… (here is one of the search results)
I would love to share code with you, but my solution is still in development. Maybe someone else can help you with actual implementation. I hope I could help you going, at least.