Actor Name in Details panel isn't the same as In scene world

as following pics show:


So I can found certain Actor use these code:

const TArray<AActor*> ActorList = HGameMode->GetWorld()->GetLevel(0)->Actors;
for (int i = 0; i < ActorList.Num(); i++)
	FString Name = ActorList[i]->GetName();
	if (FString("P_FireBlue").Equals(Name))

If I rename name in Details panel, the ID Name will be the same again.
I’m not sure how to reproduce this issue, maybe can reproduce when copy and delete one object repeatedly in scene.

Hello 笑傲江湖-DA,

This is working as intended. The asset ID is specific to that instance of the object. It will never be reused. This means that if you removed Actor1 (with an ID name of Actor1_54) you could still reference it by using the ID name, whereas this would not be possible using “Actor1” because there could be another Actor1. As an example this could be a good way to check and see if the previous Actor1 was deleted. I hope that this information helps.

Make it a great day

Thx very much for your reply! I see.
If the ID Name displays in Details panel, it would be better :slight_smile: