Changing a texture colour

I’m creating a material that is part wall, part wallpaper. Is there a way to change the colour of the wallpaper while keeping the wall the same colour?

I apologise for the question but I’m very new to UE4.

Hi there,

Okay so to change just the wallpaper colour I’ve included an image below of what you’ll need.

Your wallpaper texture - vector parameter node - blend overlay - add node

The vector parameter is the colour - double click that and you can choose which one you’d like - overlay blends the wallpaper and the colour together - the add node is a way to add both your wall and new colour wallpaper (if choose)!

alt text

Hi, thanks for the answer but when I tried this the wall and wallpaper changed colour. I will post a picture as soon as I can but the site I use for hosting pictures doesn’t seem to be working this morning.

A setup like this will work.
Keep in mind that texture sample at the bottom has three masks, (black/white images) and I am only using one of those. this “mask” will mask off parts you dont want to affect.

Let me know if you need to know more.
(protip: google ue4 texture mask / ue4 channel packing)

When you add two materials together in one material graph they merge both in colour and texture. If you just want a certain colour wallpaper and then the wall seperate you’ll need to create an alpha for the wallpaper.

I’ll explain more when you show a pic of the graph - just screenshot it then upload it to a comment.

Can I ask how I get the Mask(B) box?

Its a “component Mask” node, which allows you to select either the R, G, or Blue channel from a texture :slight_smile:

Thanks :slight_smile: And the one next to it is?

“One minus” node.

This is what I currently have, any colour additions I make change the whole texture, which makes me think that I am missing a colour/texture map?

I explained the nodes you wanted to know about, I showed you an image on how to recreate it.

If you fail to understand after that, I am done.

Ok, thanks for the reply. Looks like I need a texture map that I don’t have, I’ll YouTube how to create one.

Just an update, got the wallpaper working and I figured I’d post my texture map here just in case anyone as new as me could use it.