How do I blend root motion animation to get exact rotation?

Hi there,

I’ve created a character that is driven by root motion animation and I’ve experienced some problems getting the character to blend into a rotation animation and end up at an exact rotation.

It seems like root motion is set incrementally from one frame to the next resulting in a “Turn90Degrees” animation ending up at less than ninety degrees if blended from a stationary idle position. I understand that this is the correct result when blending two animations, but the only way I’ve found to get the desired result (turn exactly 90 degrees) has been to move the rotation keyframe in my root motion animation so that it doesn’t start rotating until the blending is complete (after the default 0.2 blend duration).

Is there a better way to do this? What I’m looking for is essentially a way to set the root motion position each frame in relation to the position where the animation began rather than its position in the previous frame. I understand that this would cause the character to speed up towards the end of the blend duration when blending between being stationary and moving, but that would be fine as long as the end rotation is correct.