Error on runtime that cannot understand

I am in unreal 4 I created an obstacle which the player has to shoot to get past, when they touch it however they take damage, this damage was also inflected to my AI so I created a branch and referenced a tag on the ai stating that I dont want it to take damage, this works, everything works as intended however I keep getting an error on run-time when I shoot the obstacle. I cannot understand what the issue is or if im missing something simple somewhere, was wondering if anyone has an ideas that could either resolve this or give me a better understanding of why this error is occurring.

The error for projectile 3 was outputted as:

Error Blueprint Runtime Error: Attempted to access BP_PlayerProjectile_C_3 via property K2Node_ComponentBoundEvent_OtherActor2, but BP_PlayerProjectile_C_3 is pending kill from function: ‘ExecuteUbergraph_BP_FireWall’ from node: Branch in graph: EventGraph in object: BP_FireWall with description: Attempted to access BP_PlayerProjectile_C_3 via property K2Node_ComponentBoundEvent_OtherActor2, but BP_PlayerProjectile_C_3 is pending kill

The branch that it references is in the image below as well as the projectile class.

If anyone can help then I would be very greatful. thanks

The error says:

The actor that is returned by the “beginoverlap” check is currently pending kill by your BP_FireWall. So, your FireWall is killing your BP_PlayerProjectile before it can be accessed.

Always check to make sure your actors are still valid before you try using any of their properties, especially if they can be destroyed before they get a chance for that, like your FireWall is destroying things.

oh is that whats happening, ok that clears it up thanks mate, seems like an easy mistake to make when you’ve got enough blueprints where keeping track of things becomes difficult. Thanks again :slight_smile: