Using a Delegate in Slate UI

I am trying to use a delegate in my slate construct, so that the value updates all the time.
This is run inside an actor class, which may be the issue… but this code will not compile:

FText AData::GetStringFunction()
	FString NewString = ("testing");    		
	return FText::FromString(NewString);

void AData::Construct(FString NewString)
	FText TestHUDText = FText::FromString(NewString);

	FLevelEditorModule& LevelEditor = FModuleManager::GetModuleChecked<FLevelEditorModule>(TEXT("LevelEditor"));
	TSharedPtr<ILevelViewport> LViewport = LevelEditor.GetFirstActiveViewport();
	TSharedRef<SWidget> NewWidget = SNew(SOverlay)
		+ SOverlay::Slot()
		.Font(FSlateFontInfo("Veranda", 16))
		.Text(NewWidget, &AData::GetStringFunction)  //ERROR IS HERE

It gives me:

Error (active)	a reference of type "STextBlock::FArguments::WidgetArgsType &" (not const-qualified) cannot be initialized with a value of type "STextBlock::FArguments"

Error	C2664	'STextBlock::FArguments::WidgetArgsType &STextBlock::FArguments::Text(const TAttribute<FText> &)': cannot convert argument 2 from 'FText (__cdecl AData::* )(void)' to 'FText (__cdecl SWidget::* )(void) const'

what am i doing wrong here?