Computational Geometry for UE4

Hello, Everyone!
I am hardly using Procedural Mesh to make Architecture (Building, House, etc.) by parameters.
But, It is too hard to make complex mesh such as Door Handle or Circular dome by my own math skill.
Thus, I want to use Computational Geometry Library for my project.
So, is there anyone who can recommend Computational Geometry Library for making Procedural Mesh?

I know CGAL is famous but I do not know datatype will be match and how to use source code as library for Unreal Engine 4 C++ Project. If you can provide a tutorial to use a library, it will give better understand for everyone.

Yeah, I’ve been here too. I tried to use Cork library from Github (pretty messed up if you use it more than once), also tried to use csgjs (source: link text ), here i’ve got better results, but sadly it gets too many vertices in few iterations… or I’ve been doing something wrong. CGAL is pretty hardcore for me. Last of all, I tried to make my own boolean operations on meshes library, which were working ALMOST good, with few exceptions. If you want, I’ll send you a copy, but it’s not in a condition to publish on a github.

If you send a copy to me, that will be a great start point for me!
Thanks to answer my question!