Event Hit Physical Material

Hi all

So, I am having a bit of a nightmare right now trying to get my head around this issue that I have.

In reference to the ‘Projectile’ that comes out of the UE4 gun (that makes the horrible noise) in the first person shooter level…
I have an event hit which plays the sound and then destroys the projectile (so it doesn’t bounce around).
I then have a select, populated by the surface type (my physical materials).

The default sound will always play (if I choose one) but the Metal, Wood, Stone sounds never play, though the Print String still registers, and the projectile destroys. Seems to be an issue regarding physical materials somehow…
I tried using the physical material loaded into the texture, as well as an over-ride on the static mesh itself. Same results.

Any ideas??

Here is my blueprint.

here you go buddy!

Thanks! Out for lunch atm I will check it when I am home

Works perfectly! Thanks Aphexx :slight_smile: