Blueprint class ignores SetActorEnableCollision() added to parent's C++ class constructor

  1. Create C++ class derived from AActor.
  2. Create child blueprint class and add some mesh component to collide with.
  3. Check we are actually colliding with it :slight_smile:
  4. Add SetActorEnableCollision(false) to parent’s class constructor.
  5. We are still colliding :frowning:

Hey koloden-

The issue appears to be with the hot reload process rather than SetActorEnableCollision() not working. If you close the editor after step 5 above, you’ll find that the collision is properly being ignored upon reopening the project. This behavior of hot reload has been reported here: Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-38000) . You can track the report’s status as the issue is reviewed by our development staff.
