Changing a flipbook using c++ doubt

So I created a flipbook and set it


AAlien::AAlien(const class FObjectInitializer& PCIP) : Super(PCIP)
struct FConstructor
		ConstructorHelpers::FObjectFinderOptional<UPaperFlipbook> AlienAsset;

	static FConstructor Constructor;

	AlienAnimation = Constructor.AlienAsset.Get();

	AlienComponent = PCIP.CreateAbstractDefaultSubobject<UPaperFlipbookComponent>(this, TEXT("AlienComponent"));

And I would like to change the animation using an event but I don’t know how could I change the AlienAsset TEXT in the event.


void Start_Aim_Implementation(class  UPaperFlipbook* AlienAnimation, class  UPaperFlipbookComponent* AlienComponent)

Note: C++ beginner

Do you mean changing the animation like running, jumping and etc or changing the character itself?

The paper 2D template already shows how you can load different animations

// Setup the assets
	struct FConstructorStatics
		ConstructorHelpers::FObjectFinderOptional<UPaperFlipbook> RunningAnimationAsset;
		ConstructorHelpers::FObjectFinderOptional<UPaperFlipbook> IdleAnimationAsset;
			: RunningAnimationAsset(TEXT("/Game/2dSideScroller/Sprites/RunningAnimation.RunningAnimation"))
			, IdleAnimationAsset(TEXT("/Game/2dSideScroller/Sprites/IdleAnimation.IdleAnimation"))
	static FConstructorStatics ConstructorStatics;

	RunningAnimation = ConstructorStatics.RunningAnimationAsset.Get();
	IdleAnimation = ConstructorStatics.IdleAnimationAsset.Get();

You can also implement your own function, like state machines, to change the animations.

Oh! Thank you! you saved me… But I still don’t know how to change the flipbooks… For example: My character is using Idle when not moving and when moving he will use the running, I know how to build this events, I just need to change the animation. Could you show me how to change the flipbook?plz.

I believe you want the “GetSprite()->SetFlipbook(FlipbookAnimation);” function.

This is my function to get the animation I want.

void YourClass::SetAnimation()
	UPaperFlipbook* DesiredAnimation = nullptr;

	const FVector PlayerVelocity = GetVelocity();
	const float PlayerSpeedX = PlayerVelocity.X;
	const float PlayerSpeedZ = PlayerVelocity.Z;

	if (bIsDead)
		DesiredAnimation = DeathAnimation;
	else if (PlayerSpeedX == 0.0f && PlayerSpeedZ == 0.0f)
		DesiredAnimation = IdleAnimation;
	else if (PlayerSpeedX == 0.0f && PlayerSpeedZ != 0.0f)
		DesiredAnimation = IdleJumpAnimation;
	else if (PlayerSpeedX != 0.0f && PlayerSpeedZ != 0.0f)
		DesiredAnimation = JumpAnimation;
	else if (PlayerSpeedX != 0.0f && bIsRunning)
		DesiredAnimation = RunAnimation;
	else if (PlayerSpeedX != 0.0f && PlayerSpeedZ == 0.0f)
		DesiredAnimation = WalkAnimation;


I have different animations to jump while idle and running but you can see how it works.

Thank you so much! You are my hero!