Can I switch between 2d and 3d view?

I want to make a following mobile game

  1. menu
  2. start game with 2d view ( a character can walk in a house with 2d view )
  3. when a player touch a icon, another 3d view game starts. ( when a player touch ‘dancing icon’, the game is switched , and the character can dance with 3d view )
  4. when dancing mode finish, game is switched to the original game with 2d view. ( the character can walk in a house with 2d view again)

So, I really want to know if I can switch between 2d and 3d, and HOW can I do this?

Not entirely sure how your project is setup or what exactly your trying to do but there are 2 potential ways to do this.

If you are just using a 2D perspective with 3D meshes, then you can just make multiple cameras and switch between them. See: Switching between multiple cameras within the Character. - Cinematics & Media - Unreal Engine Forums

If you are using paper2D character you can load a new level in a separate game mode. See: