strange shadows

hey community,

so my problem is the following:

even though i have set:

indirect lighting quality to MAX

indirect lighting smoothness to MAX

indirect lighting bounces to MAX

static meshes lightmap resolution to about ~200 (dont know if it is too low)

but never the less i got some pretty strange shadows on some static meshes… why is that? pls awnser me!

(send an example picture for better understanding)

did U build the lighting yet ?

Light map resolution should always be a power of 2 ,i.e 32,64,126,256,512,1024,2048,4096 etc anything else you’ll get weird results.

heya Christian, besides what Keval said, the lightmap uv of your mesh should be as on-grid as possible to make sure this doesnt happen.

Two awesome people made some videos about lightmaps:

UE4 - How to use Lightmaps - Rules and Guidelines - YouTube

good luck!

Did you create a second unwrap?
You have to take a few things into account when creating that unwrap though.
Maybe this link helps:

thank you so much for trying to help me out! I’ll doo my best to get this done! thx :wink: