Comments Not Showing

I got some really good pointers on a previous question that didn’t show up and I wish I had known sooner. The only reason I saw they were there was because I eventually logged on to the email for this account and it showed the comments

Anyone have ideas why? Do resolved questions not display any further comments?


By “show up” You mean - notifications? Because everything else makes no sense to me (I’m tracking lots of answered questions, and comments are popping from time to time).

You always could subscribe to Question by pressing big green button “subscribe me”.

No, I mean actually show in the question I posted. It’s as if newer comments don’t even exist and there’s not a way to find them in the post.
(I was subscribed before I posted it and currently still am)

You Have 2 more questions besides this one, one have no comments, and one answered looks like this: screenshot

The one you screenshot is missing 2 comments that are only showing up on my email.

Hi Technical Chaos,

More than likely the posts were caught in our moderation queue and needed to be accepted, or they had been edited/removed.

Okay, thank you.

Means those comments were deleted.