How would I rotate a mesh, when i click on another object?

I’m trying to make a set of three circles rotate when i click on two button actors. one button will rotate them clockwise and the other will rotate them anticlockwise.


If you make a reference to each of your circles, then when you click one of the buttons, you can use those references to rotate the circle as much as necessary. When you click the other button, simply rotate the same references in the opposite direction.


awesome. i got that working. now… how would i get those two buttons to rotate a new object. so i want 3 rotators lets call them, but two buttons. when i click a new rotator, the buttons will control rotator 1 not rotator 2.
hope you understand!

its okay guys i fixed it. but the next part is tricky. can anyone link me to a page about dot products that will help with getting the game to recognize when 3 rotators line up? take a look at the golden claw puzzle from skyrim for where i got my idea from.