Cannot build with resolution exceeding my desktop resolution

I have a 3440x1440 Monitor. The platform that I’m building to requires a unique resolution and for it to be windowed. The target resolution is 3840x800. Modifying the GameUserSettings.ini to my targeted resolution forces it to a wonky resolution around 2200x1440. I tried putting “ForceRes=1” inside the .ini because it works as a flag when selecting Play->Standalone Game, works as in I get my targeted windowed resolution that bleeds outside of my primary monitor.

When I package my game - is there a way that I can force a specific windowed resolution regardless of any other factors?

Hello superbjenks,

I imagine you’ll only need to force this in development situations so this should be able to work for you. If you use “r.SetRes 3840x800” in the console while built for Development, you should be able to force it directly. It worked for me on a 1920x1080 monitor.

Thanks for the console command! Yes, that works to set the target resolution after the game has started I even tried putting an “execute console command” on the root of “event begin play.” Unfortunately, I am trying to get the game to run initially at target resolution without having to do any console trickery. I would like to try to enter a supplementary command that changes the offset of the initial screen x,y position. Do you know off hand what the command for that would be? or if there is even a pre-existing setting for the build that I can use to chance the screen x,y pos?

I read recently that someone had fixed their own resolution issues by creating a .bat that specified the resolution of the .exe at launch. Does anyone know more about this process of launching a game with a custom .bat file? It seems like I’m not getting anywhere by setting Game User Settings on “Event Begin Play” nor by using an Execute Console Command for my targeted resolution when I build the game. Again, it’s only an issue when I build the game and run the exe, I can get the rez to work in viewport while in engine.

I’ll look into doing it through a config file, but I’m curious about the Execute Console Command not working. If I set up Execute Console Command to enter ‘r.setres 3840x800’ on Begin Play, it works for me in both Development and Shipping when packaging to Win 64 and opening the exe. Does it just default to 1920x1080 for you?

I just went through the same motions as before and for some reason it worked this time when I built it. It is running the same execute command as I did previously in the screenshot but for some reason it worked this time.

Thanks again for your time and patience Matthew.