What is a Brain Component and How Is It Used?

I am setting up some AI and ran across some “Brain Component” functions in the drop downs… Is this legacy or new features for AI? I can find almost no documentation about it, other than a very obscure API that has a few property value descriptions and that is it. Is this something that is coming soon or is live, does it have any tutorials, is this legacy and should be ignored?

I can only speculate based on the name that it may be a way to componentize the “think” logic of AI behavior between the Sense-Think-Act practical functions of AI. Sounds great, but this is total speculation as there is nothing to help describe this that I can find so far. Anyone know more?

BrainComponent is a base class for all current and potential AI logic implementations. Currently we have only one implementation, the BehaviorTreeComponent, but in spare cycles I’m working on another one (HTN). It’s set up this way so that any kind of AI logic technique can be easily plugged into our AI structure and even be used interchangeably with other techniques.



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