Destructible Child Actor causes Incorrect Culling If Spawned Away from Origin

Title is self explanatory.

This is pretty easy to reproduce in vanilla 4.12.5:

  1. Create a Destructible Mesh (try with starter content shapes)
  2. Create a Destructible Actor and set the Destructible Mesh
  3. Create an Actor and add the Destructible Actor as a ChildActor.
  4. Spawn the Parent Actor anywhere other than the origin through the Blueprint Spawn Actor function.
  5. Press play and look at where you placed the destructible mesh with the origin out of view.
  6. Invisible!
  7. If you bring the origin into view, it will no longer be culled.

The hack workaround is to just move the actor at least one frame after constructing it. It looks like that calls “ApexDestructibleActor->setGlobalPose(GlobalPose)” in OnUpdateTransform. Do child actors maybe no longer have a scene yet on construction anymore?


Hi Robert,

I managed to reproduce the issue you reported in 4.12.5, however the issue has been fixed in 4.13 and the destructible appears as it should with correct bounds. I can’t find any specific changes in that period in destructibles which would have caused or rectified this issue, it’s possible that some changes to child actor registration have solved it.

Thanks for the report!
