Hosting HTML5 game online?


I compiled the first person shooter template project as HTML5 and it works fine locally. But when I made a github repo and uploaded my code there it did not work. I have set my repo as a github page and renamed the .html file from the packaged project to “index.html”. So there should not be anything wrong concerning github.

Here is the result: html5_test

Only tried this in Chrome and first off nothing but the buttons loads. Need to accept the script to run in the upper right corner (which is annoying). Then is says it’s compiling, however this just eventually result in the error attached in the image.

Any help is appreciated, thank you!

  • Sven

Which files are you uploading?

If you upload these files, it should work for you:

  • test_blankGame/
  • index.html
  • Readme.txt
  • UE4Game.js
  • UE4Game.js.mem
  • UE4Game.js.symbols
  • Utility.js

Let me know if that works for you, thanks!

I created a new project and uploaded it without the gz files and it worked! This is my file structure now:


“” is a file created by github.

Can be viewed here:

However, the fullscreen option does not work. Also tested it on the local server unreal provides, same issue with the fullscreen there. The loading is also quite slow. I guess this can be fixed by implementing the compressed gz files. New file structure is shown here:


But this sadly resulted in some new errors:

By reading the console it says that it can’t find the .js files and .html file. Is this because I renamed the .html file to “index.html”? …Should anything special be done in order to implement a HTML5 game with the compressed gz files? Like the “readme.txt” indicates with a apache sever.

Thank you very much for your patience!

Sorry, I guess the original question is resovled. I will have created a new question for my previously described error. Thanks!

The following file structure worked!

  • test_blankGame/



  • index.html

  • Readme.txt

  • UE4Game.js

  • UE4Game.js.mem

  • UE4Game.js.symbols

  • Utility.js

Glad the information provided helped!

Have a great day!