Is there a way to get Section data from a ProceduralMeshComponent using Blueprints?

Hi all!

I’ve been playing with the wonderful ProceduralMeshComponent and ran into an issue. There is a GetSectionFromStaticMesh function, but no GetSectionFromProceduralMesh in blueprints.

Is there a way to access Section data once it’s been set to a ProceduralMesh? I’d like to procedurally split apart unconnected ‘islands’ that sometimes result from splitting complex mesh data into their own ProceduralMeshComponents, but I have no way of accessing the vertex data that results from using SliceProceduralMesh. It wouldn’t be a problem If I had generated the vertex data, because I could cache it in a data structure somewhere, but this mesh is created using an engine function.


I have the same question. Have you figured it out? Or even how to get all procedural mesh data without getting specific section, just how to get all the arrays with verts, triangles, etc… ? Basically I need to get mesh data from one procedural mesh and create a new section in other procedural mesh from this data. Any ideas? Cheers!

That seems reasonable, and shouldn’t be too hard, I’ll see if we can add it to the ‘to do’ list, thanks for the suggestion.

Just FYI, I’m about to add this for the 4.19 release.