Use UModel for a custom component?

I would like to use UModel in a custom component to generate a custom mesh (to create something similar to UBrushComponent for ProBuilder).

On OS X it compiles fine, but on windows I get link error as soon as I use functions of my UModel:

// PBMC.h

class UPBMC : public UPrimitiveComponent
    class UPBModel* Model;

// PBMC.cpp


void UPBMC::UpdateVertices()
    if (Model != NULL)
        Model->PBBuildVertexBuffers();    // link error on windows
        Model->PBUpdateVertices();         // link error on windows

The error:

 error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: void __cdecl UModel::UpdateVertices(void)" (?UpdateVertices@UModel@@QEAAXXZ) referenced in function "public: void __cdecl UPBMC::UpdateVertices(void)" (?UpdateVertices@UPBMC@@QEAAXXZ)

Hey -

Looking at the source code, the UpdateVertices () function in Model.h is not a virtual function so the unresolved external errors are probably due to calling a function that you don’t have access to / is out of scope. If you are using a source build of the engine, you can make the function virtual and available for override.
