What type of Anti Aliasing is using each level.

Hello,I am trying to make an advanced graphic settings menu, and I cant seem to find anywhere what type of Anti Aliasing is each level like in most games 2x MSAA or 2x FXAA and stuff.
I am using Console Command r.PostProcessAAQuality.

Thanks in advance.

Hi Toody,

Anti Alias setting can be found under the Post Process Volume Settings.

You have the option of None, FXAA, and TemporalAA. If you’re using the new Forward Renderer in 4.14 you also have the option to use MSAA when enabled.


What I’m trying to make is name the buttons accordingly like in most games for exemple: r.PostProcessAAQuality 0 i have name it to OFF;
r.PostProcessAAQuality 1 should be something like 2x FXAA,
r.PostProcessAAQuality 2 should be 4x FXAA and so on.