Behaviour Tree is NOT behaving

I have a BT that doesn’t behave as expected. I can’t find any solution to why is the branch not executed, even though the execution state tells to.
I have a branch that is executed when the blackboard’s enumerator is set to a value, iside that branch there is another service that iterates through different enumerator (named Atack_move), inside it checks if overlaping actor or not, and depending on that should change Atack_move enumerator(state) to it’s elements ( battle_atack and battle_atack_range). It chooses the battle_atack state and executes 2nd - battle_atack_range.
How is that possible?
[Please, Check out the video for demonstration][2]

Could anyone help me with this???

Thank you very much!!!
[2]: - YouTube

Looks like you’ve set wrong keys to your BTW_attack_witch.



yes, thank you.I went through this 10 times and didn’t notice…