Hunger system (blue prints) (help)

here is a video with my problem-
my problem is that I give start to “play” directly die I missed something?

I want to address I want to make life less enjoyable and I saw some tutorials and had to go the normal orange line
tick-branch-delay event and ends when the set time to defend You I die at the top and stop

All I see in this Video:

You press Play, your “Player Hunger” Value is above 25, so the game pauses instantly.

What did you expect? What is your default Player Hunger value? you could print this value instead of “You die” to be sure.

To me everything looks fine

I want to address I want to make life less enjoyable and I saw some tutorials and had to go the normal orange line
tick-branch-delay event and ends when the set time to defend You I die at the top and stop

Hi zombieYTRO,

It looks like your int variable is probably set to below the threshold you have set. Check to ensure your player hunger variable is high enough to prevent the branch from immediately printing false. I would, however, caution against using tick for this. Instead, try timers: