Spawning at Scene Component Location problem with Rotation

Hey Trying to Spawn an Item at the SceneComponent(“BulletSpawnComponent”) of an actor but the rotation is not working at all?
I have tried a few things and closest I have got is having the Bullet spawn to the bottom left of the gun (No matter what way it is rotated).
I have tried using a FTrasform to get the proper position/rotation but no luck.

Any ideas on how to fix this.

UWorld* const World = GetWorld();

		if (World != NULL)
			// Spawn out projectile at the end of the gun
			const FVector SpawnLocation = BulletSpawnPoint->GetComponentLocation();
			const FRotator SpawnRotation = BulletSpawnPoint->GetComponentRotation();
			ASPBullet* SpawnedBullet = World->SpawnActor<ASPBullet>(WhatToSpawn, SpawnLocation, SpawnRotation);
			FVector BulletDirection = GetGunDirection();
			if (SpawnedBullet)

What is your “BulletSpawnPoint” component, what is it attached to and how?

It might be easier/more reliable/more performant to place a socket in your weapon mesh/component and use that location rather than a dedicated component.