Make an actor walk through a moving platform


I have a physics based hovercraft (Pawn actor) with a hover system which can walk through any angle.

What I’m trying to do is make the craft walk through a moving platform (position and rotation), like a classic platformer game.

The problem is, the craft only update its position by the world position of the object, not by the impact normal zone, and that make the craft “glide” through the moving platform

Gif showing the problem:

Detect Surface BP:

Moving and rotating with the surface BP:

Any sugest?


Maybe you can attach the craft to the platform using a AttachActorToActor node, which is basically parenting the object, kind of like a bone in a skeletal mesh. So when the platform moves your actor shouldn’t glide since it will move along with the platform and you can apply any relative transformation you want (Relative to the platform that is), e.g. moving it.

I tried before use the Attach node, but I just had weird results because of the physics.
Tried now, and the same results.