slider value set as zero on server

I am trying to set up a slider for a power management system in my project. The code works fine until I try to set it up networked and at that point the slider value is zeroed out. What am I doing wrong?

Variables are:
Max Mod Value = 3
Owning ship = actor ref to parent

Is this “Set Mod Reactor” event in widget bp? If yes, you should put it into player controller or character, something which exist on server too, so the object can send replicated event call to server copy of self and execute it there.

The widget is in a widget component so will be on server as well unless I am mistaken Would there be any functional differences calling an event on my ship pawn vs casting variable change to ship pawn?

I have done 2 thing to fix this issue. Firstly I am now executing the commands on my ship blueprint vs widget, second I check the value does not equal 0 befor setting