I'm confused with the errors in UE4++

As the title says I am so confused whether these errors are real or just some kind of Pseudo-Error. If it’s just a Pseudo-Error is there a way to fix this? As I get so confused because the code has a lot of errors but the game runs perfectly without showing some errors. I also wanted to know what causes these errors, if the errors is caused by the engine code, I will find a solution to fix the engine code as I have some experience with Software Engineering. But, I believe that these errors is caused by an underlying bug within the engine code.

UE4 uses many macros, and Intellisense is not particularly good at understanding all of them; those aren’t errors, it’s just Visual Studio trying to be helpful.

If your project compiles without errors, then your project is fine (aside from other logical problems, nullptrs, and other problems that don’t throw compile errors).

As you work more with UE4 in VS you’ll get a sense of when intellisense is just wrong and when it’s actually telling you something important.

In general, when compiling, it’s best to ignore the “Error” tab and rely on the “Output” tab to evaluate the results of your compile. The errors generated by VS are often misleading and, frankly, wrong.

It’s just Intellisense being slow with Unreal but do not despair as there are a couple of things you can do to fix this:

  • In Visual Studio Right-click in soloution explorer on your project > Properties > NMake > set additional options to ‘/Yu’ for precompiled header files. ( This solved my issues )
  • Put your project on a SSD.
  • Use http://www.wholetomato.com/ Visual Assist. (there is a free trial but you’ll have to pay eventually. It does speed up the intellisense though)

Hope this helps

Thanks for the answer It worked!

Thanks for the answer It worked!