How do I send damage information to another character/pawn/other

Hello, I’m currently working on a class project and the thing is I’m trying to make it so a character takes damage after a click a button. It’s supposed to be a turn based rpg, sorta like Final fantasy 10 or Persona 3. The thing is I don’t know how to make it so the damage the button is supposed to be making affects the target in this case it’s a pawn. I would truly like any help I can get. And I am sorta new to all this and extremely oblivious to the obvious mistakes I didnt even know I could make. If it makes sense. The two images are my ai’s health and the act of attempted damage. Again thanks to anyone who can help.

Do you have to use the Damage node? If not I can show you other ways to achieve this.

Thanks for the offer, but I got help from a friend and finally got everything to work.
Sorry for the inconvenience.