Mesh or lighting issue?

I have a serious problem with the way my shadows are being rendered after building.
Trial and error with Lightmass settings is becoming tedious and annoying.
It isn’t the quality of the shadows that I’m worried about. It’s the direction and “shape”.

This is what it looks like before building:


After building:


The forums I’ve checked usually tell me to experiment with Lightmass settings, but this doesn’t help as I’m not even sure anymore if it’s a lighting issue, or if something is wrong with my meshes.

Few questions…
Columns are separated meshes? How high you set Lightmass Resolution for them? Do you create second UV Map channel by yourself or just generated automatically during importing meshes to UE4.

  1. Yes, one column is one mesh, and not broken up into bottom/middle/top pieces.
  2. I’ve tried them all.The Lightmass Resolutions that have been tried: 4, 8, 16, …up to 4096.
  3. Firstly, I just imported it with automatic settings. I’ve just recently learned about Lightmap UVs, and playing around with it now.

Didn’t know I was supposed to create a second UV Map Channel.
Thank you, I’ll try that.

Second UV channel is used for Lightmap Baking. All UV shells has to be separated and non overlaped to avoid problems with shadows.

To check how your second UV channel looks in UE4 double click on your column FBX file in content browser. Next take look at attached picture - from dropdown list choose UV Channel 1 (this is second) and click UV button. Layout should appear in 3D view.