Changing inherited blueprint properties

Hi, Im trying to create a force emitter that I can control the forces of through the blueprint node mechanism feeding it my own dynamic values. Im talking about changing the variables that are on the right in the property window, i.e.: force, impulse, damage. I am changing them alright at runtime straight through the component property window for debugging, but I want to attach my own control mechanism that would feed these values with dynamic data. How do I go about that? Can they be exposed in the node system somehow without going into C++?
Thank you.

Edit: And if I try creating a new C++ class of the Radial Force Component class, the compiler gives me the LNK2001 linking errors.

If you are talking about a Blueprint derived from a C++ class, the “BlueprintReadWrite” enabled this for the Blueprint I derived from my C++ class:


	UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere) bool ShowTarget = false;


	UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite) bool ShowTarget = false;

Oh wow! What a blast from the past! :smiley: