Key event not firing

At first I thought that a Gate, a Branch, or even a AND wasn’t working for me. But it was actually the key event. Thanks to Nken418 I realized that my key event wasn’t firing. So he made me implement Enable and Disabled inputs into my blueprint. And again my code didn’t work.(Continued to Answer)

Hopefully this new information will shed some light. I made a video showing how to re-create my project.

If key is pressed, and character is in TriggerBox, then Play.


Branch condition is not compatible with AND

How about combination of “Branch” + “AND” nodes.

  1. From “E” pressed to “Branch” to “AND”.

  2. From “Overlap” to “Branch” to same “AND” node as above.

  3. From “AND” output to Set Bool Variable

  4. From Bool variable to Branch

Try this

It didn’t fire my movement matinee. I’m guessing you selected the TriggerBox when setting up OnComponentBeginOverlap. Because it confused me a little when it said (Box)

I tried this as well. But it didn’t work. :cry:

Yeah I did mean Triggerbox, I just didn’t recreat the whole situation. The boolean “IsInBox” should be in your PlayerBP, so you have to Cast to you PlayerBluePrint and set the value on true in there.

If your Matinee isn’t playing, try printing a value instead, maybe there is something wrong with your matine. In all cases try to print out every variable until you get to loose end.

Try it with the bool, check if its false at the beginning and true if you are in the triggerbox.

use Gate

How about , enabling / disabling input when user is in/out of the box? don’t over-complicate :wink:

You could get an array of all overlapped actors when E is pressed, cast them all to TriggerBox in a foreach cycle and if one of them succeeds call Play.

Hello there!
I would use a gate node where the gate opens and allows for you to press the E key while your character is inside the box and the gate closes when your character is outside of it.

I’m not quite sure where you put the code but if this is not in your controlled pawn the you’d also have to enable input either in the construction script or in the BeingPlay event. Hope this works.

My matinee fires when I’m in the TriggerBox without setting up the character as the trigger. So it can’t be that. Nothing is wrong with my matinee.

Whenever I add my Key Event. NOTHING FIRES. Even when I am in TriggerBox, there is no activity in my blueprint. And the last suggestion, I already tired. Doesn’t work either.

Doesn’t work.

I’m starting to think my program is bugged because this doesn’t work either. I think I’m just going to figure out how to set my Unreal Tournament version to 4.13.1. Because I can’t find any information on this new version.

I’m just going to change my version from 4.14.0 to 4.13.1. To much hassle with this. I’m either dumb, my program is bugged, or the devs messed up the new versions code somewhere.

If you connect your E key directly to the Play node does it work?

WOW! No, it doesn’t work. Wtf?

I also made an Event in Project Settings, from settings. Went to Input, made a new action mapping. Made the “E” key for the event. Still doesn’t work. The most peculier thing.

Ok so the next thing I would check is to make sure you’ve enabled input in whichever BP you are placing those nodes (If this is in your main controlled pawn).

If it is your main character then make sure the pawn is set as default pawn and the controller is correct.

Also, I believe if we’re going to use the enable/disable input node on begin/end overlap, it might not be necessary to use the gate node.

(Still doesn’t work, nothing firing in blueprint)

I got an idea off of your new coding, and I’m positive you are on the right track. I’m going to try and make a class blueprint for my (object). I found some new information on this but I have look at the entire course and try to modify it to fit my situation.

I thank you because if I didn’t recognize that my key event was activating. I probably would of gave up.