How do I call a Non-Default-Constructor from Blueprint?


I want to create some instances of a class derived from UObject in a blueprint, and I know that there is Construct Object From Class for that. But this function seems to only call the default constructor. I want to instantiate a couple of these objects and set their members differently each time. Setting each one seems very tedious. Can I somehow make an object via a function that exposes the public members of the class as inputs, so that I only need one node for this (effectively calling a non-default-constructor)?.

Thank you all,


Create custom Initialize() and call it right after construction? or use expose on spawn properties.(i google those so i dont know which would compile)

////from newer post
UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "Default", Meta(ExposeOnSpawn=true))
bool ExposedVariable;

//// from older post
UPROPERTY(Replicated, EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Meta = (DisplayName = "Caster", ExposeOnSpawn = true), Category = "Magic")
 APawn* caster;

Thank you so much!!! the second version works, altough you don’t even need the “=true”

    UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Meta = (ExposeOnSpawn))

did it for me.

Thanks again!