Terrain material Height Lerp and Slope Mask problems

I apologise ahead of time if I can’t quite explain myself or use the wrong terminology, I’ve only been using more advanced functions of the material editor for the last month, so you may need to speak in layman terms

Ok, so optimizing my terrain material today and I figured I’d make use of the Layer Blend node as opposed to using a layer sample paired with a material layer blend node because the upkeep is just insane as you can see here

My current set-up https://i.gyazo.com/3de663ffe63322ba...f09c67a441.png

I’m wanting to be able to make use of height map painting which was easily done using my old method, but now I’m running into issues because I’m using SlopeMask node to draw materials based on a slope vector.
I’ve used a height lerp to be able to mask out heightmap placement and it draws correctly when I preview the node, but for whatever reason when I plug it into the height input it stuffs up my shader and draws the default grid material instead. As you can see in that screen shot it is still being displayed in the preview tab.

When I disconnect the heightmap input everything works as expected and still works when I plug in a single heightmap texture, but I’m wanting to draw the heightmaps on the correct angles so this wont work for me.

I’ve spent what feels like an eternity trying to get a decent Landscape material and I really want to get back to programming in blueprints, once this question is solved my spirit will be allowed to cross back over to the light side (no offence to you shader junkies)

Thank you very much, I will forever be in your debt <3

Material goes default grid most likely because you are exceeding 16 samplers limit. Ensure all of them are set to shared:wrap.

Generally, you are misusing LandscapeLayerBlend node. Its intended use was to modulate the blend between weight-blended layers.

Ideally, LandscapeLayerBlend node should be used to blend material networks based on painted weightmaps, and its heightmap slot should be given corresponding texture heightmap to modulate the blend, so plugging something like layer mask into height slot of LayerBlend is more of a workaround, that was featured in some tutorials.