Why the blue faces?

Hey guys!

My skylight seems to be giving off quite strong blue bounced light. It is only doing this on faces opposite of the sun direction. (directional light) I’ll attach two images looking at the blue areas and also looking away from them. I tried to change the intensity of the skylight but I don’t want to teach myself bad habits and was wondering if there is something I’m missing? Thank you!

try to play with sphere reflection, adjust radius for interior that walls can’t reflect any behind this.

Thanks my friend!

I ended up adding a few reflection capture spheres like you said and it helped a bit. I also changed some settings on the skylight and added a post process volume to play with exposure and white balance and that seemed to help too. I really appreciate your response! Thanks for your time!

Thank you so much for your response! I will definitely do that! I am working on building an arch viz scene in between paying jobs at my firm so its going a bit slow. Thanks for the response though my friend!