Only way to get a working media_sound_wave is via a media player?

I had videos working good in 4.12.5 but movie audio/video playback has changed since then, so I had to change it all.

I followed tutorial. The sample media file supplied with the tutorial contains both audio and video. Since my (wav)audio file is separate from the (mp4)video file it doesn’t seem like I can use tutorial from step 7.

I might be wrong, but it looks like the media_player asset only takes in media_sound_wave assets. Is correct?

If so, is it safe to assume a media_sound_wave asset only works if it’s bound to a container format (like mp4) which contains audio?

Either way, I don’t know how to convert my sound_wav or sound_cue to a media_sound_wave, and so I’d just like to know if it’s impossible to set a media_sound_wave to an arbitrary sound_wave or sound_cue.

Looking in the media_sound_wave asset settings it doesn’t look like there’s any place to specify the audio file.

I followed bug report by and figured out how to get whatever audio I want to play. I gotta say that it’s easier to hook it up than it used to be.

Also, tutorial by epic, which is awesome, didn’t work for me; likely on account it was for playing video on a static mesh, not a UMG.