Trying to get an upscaled spritesheet to render properly in Interface

Hello all. I don’t often post here, as usually, whatever issues I’m encountering are rendered moot upon an hour of searching through here. Unfortunately I seem to be at a loss this time around.

We’ve got pixel-perfect art style, where we scale everything up by 10.8x (as is common practice for pixelart, in order to keep filesizes very small) for the art to be the correct scale in the game. We know how to make sure that a small image gets properly scaled, and we have taken the steps. Shows here.

Now the issue we’re having is that we want for this animation (or a flipbook, which we have also made with individual frames of the above spritesheet) to play on the Interface of our game, and be animated. We searched and searched, and found that it would seem as though the only solution to this is to make a material which plays a flipbook inside it (?) and this is where we hit a dead end. Below is the Material in question that we have created, which would theoretically play the spritesheet, which it does.

But the real problem now is that the displayed sprite is incredibly blurry and looks as though it ignores the texture filtering and Texture group associated to the original texture. This is how it looks in-game. As you can see, all of the other static elements in the Interface have been properly scaled up and give absolutely no issues.

We have no idea how to fix this. Any help would be REALLY appreciated, and we WILL update with a solution if it works for us. As it will make life easier for the next person to face this issue. :slight_smile:

Hi there. The texture sample node in your material has an option called MipValueMode. It can be found in its details panel. By default it is set to “None (use computed mip level)”. This could be the reason your texture is blurred. Please set it to “MipLevel (absolute, 0 is full resolution)” and then set the new input called “level” to 0.

Unfortunately this did absolutely nothing to remedy the situation. I tried doing exactly what you said but it didn’t actually change anything.