Shader complexity issue with foliage painter - Use as occluder


I’ve run into a strange issue when painting foliage with the foliage painter. I noticed that the shader complexity goes really high, and they seem translucent in the shader complexity view. Then I found the “use as occluder” checkbox, which seem to fix the issue, but then my question is, should’t this checkbox be enabled by default?

On the top part of the attached image, I’m showing the painted foliage shader complexity before enabling “use as collider”, and the same plant with the same material hand placed next to it. Then on the bottom image, I’m showing the shader complexity, after enabling the checkbox.

The checkbox also note that this may have a negative effect on the performance. But when its disabled, its much worse according to the shader complexity view.

Anyone have some information about this?

If the Shader complexity is shown correctly when the “use as occluder” option is on, this would be a huge performance boost.
Would like to know that as well. Maybe it is just a viewmode error in the Shader Complexity view.

Would be nice to get some information about this.