Progress bar UMG binding not working

I have a progress bar which is inside of my PlayerHUD widget. It is meant to show the XP but whenever I do get XP then the progress bar doesn’t change at all. I’m pretty sure my binding is correct aswell.

You are constantly creating a save game object, instead use Load Game From Slot, or how it’s usually done store the value in the controller/character and get that variable instead, rather than reading from a save file in the binding.

hi ElectricNic89

scale of progressbar is between 0 and 1.
so, your real xp value should be rerurned a value between 0 and 1, to your progressbar.

good luck :wink:

refer this link Bind Value UMG / Progressbar - UI - Epic Developer Community Forums

or Progress bar in UMG does not update correctly - Programming & Scripting - Epic Developer Community Forums