Bug Report: Switch on Int (More Switches could be affected)

Hi Epic Games,

After reloading my project nothing worked. Luckily i have found the error very quick but i didnt expect that to happen.

You can easily reproduce this issue.

Take this pic. Just create a Switch like this. Notice that i have deleted the “Zero-Case-Pin”.


Once you close and reopen your project the Switch looks like this:


The big problem is that whatever was plugged in at 1-Case and 2-Case before is now plugged in 0-Case and 1-Case.
This mixed up my logic to unknown behaviour.

Can you confirm this as a bug?

Thanks and have a nice weekend.


Hi raidfire.net,

I’ve moved your thread to the Bug Reports section of Answerhub, please be sure to log any future Bug Reports in that section to get traction on them.

Hi raidfire.net,

Thank you for the report.

This isn’t a bug, however the editor could be clearer on what is actually happening here. Basically all indexes are handled as 0,1,2,3,etc instead of starting at 1. So this node is made to reset like this.

I’ve entered a Feature Request for this node to either throw a warning or auto refresh when an execute pin is removed. Please keep in mind that this is not a guarantee of implementation but the developers will be considering the request.
