change texture resolution

Hey guy’s,

I just created very simple wall static mesh in blender, but when applying materials in unreal engine on the static mesh it is not quit good scaled on the static mesh surface.

My question is: How can you scale the texture resolution (or map I don’t know :confused: ) so that it fits the material perfect.

I provided an image, where you can see my wall without any materials applied but the world the default world grid, and I think these grey and white squares are to big… PLS HELP ME COMMUNITY! :wink:

I actually mentioned it…

I created this thing in BLENDER but for some reason it does not project the textures properly :confused:

hey hey since you did not mention which software you used to make said mesh, google the following:

“How to unwrap a mesh in *SOFTWARE YOU USE”
that will teach you how to get the textures properly done.

because you havent unwrapped the mesh in blender yet.

Assuming you did uv unwrapping correctly you can go inside of the material in unreal then right click and add a TEXTURECOORDINATE node. Change the values of the node in its properties let’s say V:2 and U:2 and connect the node to all the textures you have listed…color, normal, roughness etc. change values until it looks correct to you.