Call a blueprint function in c++ by name and get the return value


I know the following commend will run a blueprint function by a given name :
CallFunctionByNameWithArguments(“function name”, outputDeviceNull, NULL, true)

I want to know if there is a way to get the return value of such function if it has any.

I found a work around.
I use a BlueprintImplementable function and cast it to a predefine interface.
this way i can simply be sure that a specific function exist in a class, because the class is drived from the interface I have already have access to.

Here is a sample code

Interface :

    class IMyinterface
    	virtual bool SampleFunction() = 0;

Blueprint class

class TEST_THREAD_API ASample_Actor : public AActor, public IMyinterface


  UFUNCTION(BlueprintImplementableEvent, Category = "some category")
    bool SampleFunction();

Now you can always cast a pointer of “ASample_Actor*” to “IMyinterface*” and access the interface functions ( in this case it’s SampleFunction )