Collision does not recognise character


I have been following a tutorial for making pickup items using a parent & child actor classes. The BP_Pickup_Base has the ‘on component begin overlap’ event which checks that the overlapped component is the player and if so, run a pickup function and destroy the the actor (the pickup item).

The problem i am having is that the branch condition doesnt seem to come true meaning that the overlapped component is not == to get player character.

The video i was following does not run into the problem and im new to blueprints so im a bit stuck here and really want to know what the problem is. any help would be appreciated =]

The problem is that you are trying compare a character with a component in your == and that will always result false. Instead of dragging from overlapped component in your BeginOverlap node drag from the other actor pin and compare that instead

You could also just cast it to your player character. You could either as Rekenq mentioned, drag the OtherActor node out as opposed to the component. I am thinking that you might be able to perhaps (if you want to continue using the component) then you can set the == node to a component from your player character, maybe a collision sphere or something.

Thanks for taking the time to answer my question. much appreciated!

Thanks for taking the time to answer my question. much appreciated!